中心 & 研究院

中心 and institutes provide a venue and opportunities for students, faculty and the wider LR community to come together and collaborate across disciplines to discover and disseminate knowledge.

Our centers and institutes advance university research, facilitate civic engagement and provide support and resources to the greater university community.

Alex Lee职业生涯 & 专业发展中心

Two talking at table in career development center

The center offers student and alumni support with career exploration, 职业规划, job and internship search assistance. Whether you need help crafting or reviewing your resume, 模拟面试, networking or preparing for graduate school, the career center offers lifelong support to all LR students and alumni from our Hickory, 阿什维尔和哥伦比亚校区.

The center also offers many services to help recruiters identify the right candidates for position openings.

View Career and 专业发展中心

教学中心 & 学习

Professor talks to students from front of classroom

The center supports the university’s faculty as they engage in the work of educating students and helping them to develop as whole persons prepared both for productive careers and meaningful lives.

The center promotes the pursuit of excellence in teaching and learning, providing support that enables faculty to be innovative and creative in ways that enhance student learning.

教学中心 & 学习

Clemmer-Long Center for Vocation & 目的

Student talks with invited speaker during group gathering

The center engages students, faculty and staff in the ongoing discernment of vocation and purpose. The center provides online resources, discussions and hosts the Lives Worth Living speaker series whose speakers include theologians, 主教, artists and advocates for justice.

The center works to help students, faculty and staff identify their talents and passions so they can be used to make the world a better place.


信仰学院 & 学习

学生 reading from booklet during church service

The 信仰学院 and 学习 endeavors to provide programming that contributes to and enriches a culture of intellect that is theologically based. Our programs are directed at Christians of all traditions.

The institute offers a speaker series featuring prominent religious figures and authors who share their work and beliefs.

View信仰学院 & 学习

Reese Institute for Conservation of Natural Resources

Professor talks to two students while overlooking City of Asheville skyline

The Reese Institute for the Conservation of Natural Resources provides students with an unprecedented opportunity to participate in a curriculum that supports the adage "think globally, 本地行为."

通过服务学习, 奖学金, 野外工作经验, travel opportunities and internships, you have the chance to positively impact your immediate community, while setting their sights on the larger conservation issues of the nation and beyond.


Shuford Center for 全球赌博十大网站

Student studying abroad in Cuba looks at building in distance

There are many co-curricular activities that enrich the Lenoir-Rhyne education. By participating in study abroad or interacting with 国际学生 on our campus, you will expand your knowledge and engage other cultures in ways that broaden your perspective.

Our William and Robert Shuford Center for 全球赌博十大网站 initiates and supports events and programs that contribute to a global education.

Not only do we provide support to our 国际学生, but also facilitate the study abroad process.



Exterior of McCrorie Center building at dusk

The Solmaz研究所 works to address child and adolescent obesity in the region. The institute offers clinic services, outreach programs and interdisciplinary internship opportunities for students in the College of 健康 Sciences on LR's Hickory campus.

The clinic is staffed by registered dietitians who oversee individual and group services as well the Lenoir-Rhyne interns in various programs (exercise science, 护理, occupational therapy and the dietetic internship program) who provide services to youth.


全球赌博十大网站 & 事件

Six members of the grant writing team for the Noyce 奖学金 program stand in the George Hall lobby

Awarded through the Robert Noyce Teacher 奖学金 Program, the funds will diversify STEM education by providing 奖学金s for Master of Arts in teaching students specializing in STEM subjects.

Three older students in conversation at Joe's Coffee

The honor roll recognizes colleges and universities around the world that are creating innovative and effective support strategies for transfer students.
